Arc The Lad III (US)

Developer : ARC Entertainment
Publisher : SCEI
Genre : Role-Playing
Platform : Play Station 1
Release date : 28 October 1999

This story starts years after the Great Disaster (years after Arc the Lad II). Alec, a young man from a small farm town, Sasha Village, aspires to become a Hunter, just like the man who saved him during the Great Disaster. When his village is attacked by bandits, he and is quirky friend Lutz must run to the nearest town, Itio, and hire a Hunter to save the village. On the way to the town, they encounter monsters and realize they get a rush when fighting. After the village is saved, Alec decides to leave and become a Hunter; Lutz naturally tags along.


Download Size
Disk 1 : Part1 - Part2 - Part3
Disk 2 : Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4

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